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Event Calendar

For other events in NSW go to Eventor

For more information about NTOC events contact Don Barker (02 6775 5560).

Download Calendar.pdf file

DateTimeClub EventLinkOrganiser/setter
Sun19 Jan11:00HO NHOG Wayne Richards & Mackillop Orienteering, Wayne Richards Park and Mackillop College
Thu23 Jan09:00HO NNature School Orienteering,
Sat25 Jan09:00BB NDiggers Beach MapRun Orienteering, Diggers Beach Carpark off Diggers Beach Road, Coffs Harbour.
Wed05 Feb17:00NT NNTOC Summer series #5, Creeklands West, Trim Street, west endmapMalcolm McPhee, 0448 921 100
Sun09 Feb17:00BB QWarwick High School,
Thu13 Feb17:00NT NNTOC Summer series #6 (postponed 24hr), Soudan Heights, Dorothy Avenue, Armidale.mapJock Mitchell 0427 773 647
Sun16 Feb11:00HO NHOG February Orienteering, John Downes Park, Port Macquarie.
Wed19 Feb16:00NT NNTOC Summer series #7, UNE, Ingrid Moses CourtyardDon Barker
Sat22 Feb16:00BB NSawtell MapRun Orienteering, Wonga Park Playground, Third Ave, Sawtell NSW
Sun23 Feb17:00BB QWarwick East State School,
Wed26 Feb17:00NT NNTOC Summer series #8, Creeklands East, Phil Wheaton Oval, Erskine StreetmapMaurice Anker, 0478 556 949
Sun02 Mar17:00BB QStanthorpe - Quart Pot Creek parklands,
Sun09 Mar10:00BB QArchies, SW of Warwick,
Sun16 Mar11:00HO NHOG March Orienteering,
Sun30 Mar00:00NT NImbota nature reserve,
Sun06 Apr09:00BB QOY2 - The Galahs, Mountain Park, nth of Dalveen,
Sun13 Apr11:00HO NHOG April Orienteering,
Sun27 Apr00:00NT NKooringle,
Sun18 May00:00NT NMt Duval,
Sun18 May09:00BB QPozieres State Forest, NW of Stanthorpe,
Sun15 Jun00:00NT NGlenburnie,
Sun22 Jun09:00BB QDalmoak, NE of Stanthorpe,
Sun20 Jul09:00BB QThe Gorges, Mountain Park, north of Dalveen,
Sun17 Aug09:00BB QLeyburn State Forest, west of Warwick,
Sat13 Sep00:00NT N2025 NSW State League #14 - NSW Middle Champs, Armidale area.
Sun14 Sep00:00CC N2025 NSW State League #15 - NSW Long Champs, Armidale area.
Sat20 Sep12:30BB QOY11 - Qld Middle Champs - east of Stanthorpe,
Sun21 Sep09:00BB QOY12 - The Cascades, west of Stanthorpe,